In the article "To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter" written by Alice Marwick and danah boyd, they explained that "a micro-celebrity can be understood as a mindset and a set of practices in which the audience is viewed as a fan base. That popularity is maintained through ongoing fan management and self-presentation is carefully constructed to be consumed by others." (Marwick & boyd, 140)
By looking at the video gamer/YouTuber DashieXP's account, there are a ton of tweets and replies from DashieXP to his fans when they send him pictures or short videos. He has over 2 million followers on Twitter and over 3 million subscribers so a lot of his replies are short, sweet, and to the point., even with gaming companies like Nintendo and video game Twitter accounts like Friday The 13th (the game). Marwick and boyd described that intimacy on Twitter "allows celebrity practitioners to create a sense of closeness and familiarity between themselves and their followers." (Marwick & boyd, 147) Twitter is the "only" way DashieXP can connect with his fans and friends despite having a Facebook page (that has been neglected in recent months). He tweets video previews of collaborations with other YouTubers (who are his friends) and they usually joke back and forth for a bit of time. He then puts out polls to see what games his fans want to see next on both Twitter and YouTube, and that helps to control the content on his channel.
DashieXP has recorded multiple videos of him playing horror games and with a tweet like this, he's previewing his reaction to the video game and letting his fans know that they're in for a treat.

(Mind the foul language!)
DashieXP may seem a little reserved on Twitter, but he isn't one to stray away from using bad words. They're constantly being said in all of his videos. It isn't a surprise that his fans would respond in the same fashion. He can be loud, obnoxious, and simply over-the-top but that's what his fans love about him, and he loves them right back.
Works Cited
DashieXP. "@merluvli @AngelXMikey You guys should know better!" Twitter. Twitter, 21 Apr. 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
DashieXP. "@MrsAbelTesfaye Oh snap." Twitter. Twitter, 23 Apr. 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
"DashieXP (@DashieXP)." Twitter. Twitter, 17 Sept. 2016. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
DashieXP. "Ima leave this here.. I'll see y'all soon. (turning my phone off now)" Twitter. Twitter, 24 Apr. 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
Marwick, A., and D. Boyd. "To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 17.2 (2011): 139-58. Web.
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