Tuesday, April 4, 2017

R5: Subjectivation

In Tim Rayner’s essay, “Foucault and Social Media: Life in a Virtual Panopticon”, he discusses how social media has encouraged people to find and express themselves through the sharing of the things they like. In addition, Rayner also explains that people share things through social media to info those in their personal circle. For example, “Sharing online is not solely of self-affirmation and self-creation. For many people, the sharing impulse stems from a sincere desire to empower and inform their tribes and communities"


For me, I would typically share a post centered on the lasted video game release or review or one that relates to any future piercings ortattoos I would want to get. The reason for these postings are because I feel as though they are the best representations of myself that I would want others to see. On the other hand, I find it quite difficult to share anything related to Kpop and Kdramas, because these are the things that make me the happiest. Thus, the thought of sharing them publicly and risking the possibility of insult, is something that I find quite terrifying.

Sources : Rayner, Tim. "Foucault and Social Media: Life in a Virtual Panopticon." Philosophy For                             Change. 21 June 2012. Web.
               BTS Spring Day. Bighit Entertainment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEeFrLSkMm8

               Otero, jose. "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Review." IGN. 2 March 2017. Web.

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