Monday, April 24, 2017

R6: Chrissy Tiegen Claps Back

Chrissy Tiegen is known for many reasons, including super modeling, being the wife of John Legend, and her unbeatable sass on Twitter. Unlike many celebrities, Chrissy is unafraid to post her political opinions and opinions on things that people may not agree with, and even snap back at fans who give her attitude. Many celebrities try to avoid this; a big part of being a celebrity is getting everyone to like you and saving face. However, with 5.16 million followers, Tiegen is showing that you can express yourself how you want and still keep your fan base. 

Chrissy posts a lot of tweets about her political views. She's not afraid to let people now how she feels about certain situations, as seen in the pictures to the right and below. She does so with a sense of humor, so as to keep her "fans" or followers entertained. While some celebrities try to stay away from tweeting about political issues in fear of losing followers, Tiegen gets straight to the punch. 

In order to keep her fans interested and showcase her popularity in Hollywood, Tiegen interacts with other famous twitter users as well. For her daughter's first birthday, Kris Jenner bought the baby two new toy cars. Tiegen was quick to post about the gift, thanking Jenner by tagging her in the tweet as well (seen left).

Like any celebrity, Chrissy gets paid to endorse products. Occasionally on her Twitter, you can find ads for products that she is helping to sell, like makeup. These tweets not only make her money, but let her fans know what she is doing work-wise. 

Most importantly of all, Chrissy constantly interacts with her fans. Whether she's addressing an insult, laughing at a joke, or simply thanking them, her timeline is full of quoted tweets and replies. She even asks fans for opinions on things, like recipes to put in her cook book, and jokes that they want to hear her mom tell. 

Some of her most memorable replies are as follows:

As you can see, Chrissy keeps her Twitter updated constantly with humorous tweets and comebacks, updates about her family, and news on her products. She does a phenomenal job at posting constantly, but not obnoxiously. As Marwick et. al stated in their case study, "Like other public genres of social media, Twitter requires celebrity practitioners to negotiate a complicated social environment where fans, famous people, and intermediaries such as gossip columnists co-exist" (143). Chrissy Tiegen does an excellent job finding her way around each of these aspects of twitter, using it to her advantage. 

Marwick, Alice, and boyd, Danah, “To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter,” Convergence May 2011 vol. 17 no. 2 139-158.

Pictures of tweets screenshotted from Christine Tiegen's twitter profile as well as:
Wood, Braelyn. "34 of Chrissy Teigen's Best Twitter Clapbacks." Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan, 28 Mar. 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

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