Thursday, April 6, 2017


The way I interpret subjectivation is the act of creating your online personality to the certain preferences that you choose. Through sharing ideas in posts you create or posts you share through an outside source, by posting or sharing you are able to make it yours allowing you to be seen in a way that appeals to the online community. We want to be portrayed and appeal to a certain crowd to form our shared identity through social media cites as the things we say and share define us. However subjectivation also allows for you to not share things that you would not like to be public knowledge, for example your thoughts on an upcoming election. “..the awareness of being watched and implicitly judged by the material we post online (including likes, shares, and comments) leads us to unconsciously aspire to please and/or impress a certain crowd, and to select content accordingly.” (Tim Rayner) I personally do not post my own thoughts and personal ideas on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter but I do indeed share many posts or article on certain topics.
I am very much into sports so much of which I do share on these social media cites generally pertain some sort of sport whether it is basketball, football, hockey, golf, or lacrosse. Which gives off the vibe of me being into these things and seen as someone who is a big sports fan. I also share things with the intentions of letting people see it who might have missed the game the night prior as many of my friends are also big sports fans. I also enjoy sharing funny viral videos as I get a laugh out of it and think that the people I am friends with or “followed by” would also enjoy it. Sports and funny videos is generally what I share some of those posts would be these, , as well as
There are many things I would not share however on social media that I like and support as I do not want to be perceived in a certain way. I have always felt that although many funny things have come from this year’s presidential election my political viewpoints are something I do not share. I will share funny voice overs, and things of a more light hearted nature while staying away from more serious issues and topics. The things that I share are things that define me to the social media communities that I apply to however the things that go unshared on these cites I feel are what truly define who I really am in person. Some things that I would not share but agree with and/or like would be , as well as

Works Cited

Rayner, Tim. "Foucault and Social Media: The Call of the Crowd." Philosophy for Change. N.p., 05 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2017.

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