Tuesday, May 2, 2017


I’ll start off by saying I’m not the biggest fan of selfies and posting them on social media. Since I primarily use Twitter and Tumblr rather than more selfie oriented platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, it is very rare that I post selfies online. I honestly deleted my Instagram account after high school because I wasn't interested in seeing people post selfies everyday. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I made a new Instagram account which I now use as a mood board for artwork similar to my Tumblr. I do, however, have a Snapchat which is the only place I ever post selfies. Although I don’t use the platform frequently, whenever I do send a snap or add something to my story, it is often a selfie.

To be completely honest, one of the reasons why I haven't deleted my Snapchat is because I love the filters and often find them to be hilarious. This filter in particular always gets me because of the eyes. Most of my snaps consist of me fooling around with filters like this. Selfies like this show a funnier side of me that most typically don't get to see since I am relatively "chill" and "laid back" around most people. I took this picture after waking up in a really good mood.

This is me in one of my several water advertisements I post on Snapchat (Smart Water should hire me). I drink a lot of water and my Snapchat followers surely know that by now. I am a big advocate of water consumption and started this ongoing joke of sending out random snaps of me drinking water and encouraging my followers to do the same. Again this shows a more humorous side of me, joking around while sharing my affinity for water.

I am not sure if mirror pictures count as selfies, but here is one I took a while ago before heading to class. My t-shirt in the picture shows that I am a fan of basketball. Although I am a Washington Wizards fan, I've always been a fan of Michael Jordan and the 90's era Chicago Bulls since I was a toddler.

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