Tuesday, May 2, 2017

R7 - Selfies

This photo shows aspects of my identity because I look professional with the photo badge but also not very serious because I'm sticking my tongue out and taking a bathroom mirror photo. I was attending a conference snapped this photo during a lunch break. I think it shows a balance of not taking myself too seriously but also the fact that I can be professional.

This selfie shows that I attended the National Museum of Women in the Arts. I kept the sticker because I'm a huge fan of Frida Kahlo. This is part of my identity because I enjoy art and attending museums. I spend a lot of time in D.C. and that can be inferred from this photo as well.

This photo was taken while I was studying. I took a study break and snapped a photo on my laptop and drew on it because I was bored. A viewer wouldn't know all of that just by looking at the photo but some parts of my identity are shown. I'm wearing my glasses and looking at a computer screen and that can show my boredom. The dots surrounding me can be a sign of my interest in art and creative photos. 

Overall my selfies show my race and ethnicity to be South Asian and that I am a woman. I don't think they display my specific nationality a great deal but maybe some people can tell I'm Filipino. I would say that my socio-economic status looks to be middle class. The photo that includes a sticker from the National Museum of Women in the Arts of Frida Kahlo may give away the fact that I enjoy art and am a big fan of hers. Two of the photos also visibly show my phone taking the photo so it becomes clear I have an iPhone, which some people may draw socio-economic conclusions from. 

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