Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Reflection #2

Social media plays a huge role in a business' marketing strategy. According to Andreas Kaplan, "Today, everything is about Social Media. Some industry gurus claim that if you do not participate in Facebook, YouYube, and Second Life, you are not part of cyberspace anymore," (Kaplan 67). The best way to ensure that your business can survive in today's digital world is to integrate your marketing strategy with social media. There are many "how to's" available online for businesses to research the best way to survive and succeed from using a social media platform. In Kaplan's article he lists ten tips to best utilize social media in business strategy. Combining Kaplan's tips with that of the "10 Laws of Social Media Marketing" written by Susan Gunelius on Entrepreneur.com, here are tips to best utilize social media marketing with business.

1. Choose Carefully.

In Kaplan's article he notes the multiple social media platforms available. In order to succeed in social media marketing choosing the platform that best fits the business is crucial. A business can't just sign up for a Facebook account to market their product or service because it is the most popular site. According to Kaplan "being active is one key requirement of success" (Kaplan 65). Choosing a platform that will benefit the business is important, especially if the business wants to succeed and get word out of their services.

2. The Law of Listening

According to Susan Gunelius' article, "Success with social media and content requires more listening and less talking" (Gunelius). Listening to what the target audience has to say is important to a business. By listening carefully to what they want, a business can create content that will interest their audience.

3. The Law of Quality

Quality is always better than quantity. According to Gunelius it is better to have a small community of followers who share and talk about your content with their follower or friends than to have a large community that will disappear after one ad successful ad is launched.

4. Access for all
According to Kaplan, it is best that access to a business' social media accounts should be available to all. (Paraphrased; Kaplan 66). What he means by this is that access should not just be given to a few. He suggests that employees should have access to the social media accounts as well. However in order to remain biased, select employees should have access to the creation of content that is posted on the site.

5. The Law of Patience

Patience is always key in any situation. According to Gunelius, success in social media marketing doesn't and won't happen overnight. Businesses shouldn't give up after one try and failure on social media. "While its possible to catch lightning in a bottle, its far more likely you'll to commit to the long haul to achieve results." (Gunelius).


Lastly, according to Kaplan, "be honest and respect the rules of the game," (Kaplan 67). Honesty is always the best policy. Be honest with clients, users, followers, etc. and they will stay with the business.


Kaplan, Andreas M., “Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media,” Business Horizons (2010) 53, 59-68

Gunelius, Susan, "10 Laws of Social Media Marketing" Entrepreneur https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/218160 Accessed February 28, 2017

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