Monday, February 20, 2017

News Outlets

These new technologies through social media platforms are able to reshape the way in which we live our lives as it is constantly changing and the ways are rapidly changing. For example Facebook is becoming more and more of a use for news than the original meaning of the site, as a social networking tool. “Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults use the site, and half of those users get news there – amounting to 30% of the general population.” (PewResearchCenter, 2014) This giving the sense that no longer people depend on news channels for their news as social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming more and more popular within society. Accessing these social media platforms can be through smartphones, computers, and tablet as technologies continue to advance more options are becoming available. “Though these sources might seem trivial, silly, or even gossipy, they should not be underestimated in their capacity to reflect pervasive cultural attitudes.” (Baym) Although these social media platforms were created as a way to connect to others it is now a main source in how we receive our news by using new technologies as well as forming opinions off of the coverage accessed from these sites.
Many things come about as technology progresses into a different space as it is able to enhance interactions, but also reshape the way in which we perceive things. “Show the social elements we bring understanding new communication technologies and help to shape how people understand new technology” (Baym), platforms that are created are able to enhance the interactions of people in many different ways. This is in turn is allowing people to converse on a larger scale to a larger audience, which in turn enables more conversations to take place regarding different topics.
Social media platforms are giving users the ability to get their news as well as form opinions on certain news stories through these social media platforms. “.. we found people were less willing to discuss their opinion on the Snowden-NSA story on social media than they were in person. Facebook and Twitter users were less likely to want to share their opinions in many face-to-face settings, especially if they felt their social audience disagreed with them.” (PewReasearchCenter, 2014) This allows users to use the given news story as well as broadcasting their personal opinion on the social media site which allows people who are friends or follow them to shape how they think on the given topic. “.. “impact-imprint” perspective in which technologies change history by transferring “their essential qualities” to their users...”” (Baym) Social media platforms are becoming a place where opinions are shared in a push of a button and as the technologies used are continuously advancing the rate at which news is shared is heavily impacting our society.

Anderson, Monica, and Andrea Caumont. "How Social Media Is Reshaping News." Pew Research Center. N.p., 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.

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