Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reflection #3


         In the first world country that we in live today it is amazing how blessed we are to have all of the resources that we have compared to other countries around the world. We are considered a first world country but I did some research on a nonprofit company called "WaterisLife" and they are all about helping countries around the world and getting them clean water that they can use on a daily basis. In our country we don't see this as a problem at all because we have clean water to drink and bathe in everyday and it seems like it will never run out. But in many third world countries around the world they barely have any water and if they do its not healthy for them to consume because it is contaminated in some type of way.
"WaterisLife" has set out on a mission to be the change in our world and help get these countries the water they deserve as we as humans need water to survive. 

Directly from there website they give you exactly what they stand for and how you can partner with different people, companies, or businesses around the world to help me the change that we need. 
"WATERisLIFE is in the field, on a mission to save lives and transform communities. Our impact is owed entirely to the generosity of our partners. ChangeiT! is an easy way to partner with WATERisLIFE to bring clean water, sanitation and hygiene solutions to those in need. It is a perfect way for individuals, businesses, groups and organizations to work together to change our world." 
"WaterisLife" set out on a mission to use social media or the internet in general to get this problem to the public and open up peoples eyes to what is really taking place in various places in the world. "WaterisLife" took a hashtag #Firstworldproblems to help there video go viral. The video was made to highlight the little things that we complain about in our first world countries when there are really people who are going through drastic problems on a day to day basis like not having clean water. On their website they stated that "1 in 5 children die each day from a waterbourne disease". Something needs to change.
"WATERisLIFE used this hashtag and the idea behind it to spread their viral video, the First World Problems Anthem. The video features people in situations of serious need repeating common #firstworldproblems, for example, "I hate it when my phone charger won't reach my bed."
Link to the video:

"The video highlights the irony of our own problems, placing them into stark relief against the deeper needs of those who lack clean water."
"The strategy proved remarkably effective as the video went viral on Facebook and Twitter, expanding WATERisLIFE's reach."
This hashtag really helped spread the word and get this issue out to a huge audience as the video ended up going viral on social media. "WaterisLife" wanted people to really be aware of this issue and they knew the impact that social media could have on this exact problem. They called it a hashtag killer, "We call it hashtag killer. Not just an attempt to end a hashtag, but to use social media to affect a real change in our world."
To connect this nonprofit campaign to one of our readings from class i choose one that i believe gave a great summary of the impact of social media on our society today. I chose the Kaplan article titled "Users of the world unite". I chose this article because it gave good examples of how impactful social media is today in our society. Social media is just about taking over our world completely and it is the easiest way to connect to people in our technological society we live in today. 
"Today, everything is about Social Media. Some industry gurus claim that if you do not participate in Facebook, YouTube, and Second Life, you are not part of cyberspace anymore. Social Media allow firms to engage in timely and direct end-consumer contact at relatively low cost and higher levels of efficiency than can be achieved with more traditional communication tools."

Patel, Neil. "Top 4 Examples Of Effective Social Media Strategies For Nonprofit Organizations". Inc.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.

 "Homepage | WATER IS LIFE". Waterislife.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.

Kaplan, Andreas M., “Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media,” Business Horizons (2010) 53, 59-68

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