Monday, March 6, 2017

Reflection #3


Ordering Pizza with Twitter?

Many of us have experienced the frustration and anxiety of trying to order pizza over the phone and said to ourselves "There must be an easier way to do this". Now that we are in the age of social media, companies have turned to Twitter and Instagram to market and sell their products to consumers. Domino's has definitely stepped up their social media presence recently (especially after their YouTube video crisis in 2009). Domino's learned that the best way to communicate with their consumers is to use the same online tools as they do. 

In May of 2015 Domino's announced that customers can now order pizza by tweeting a pizza emoji to the Domino's Twitter account. "Once a customer has registered their Twitter handle on their Domino's Pizza Profile, they will then be able to simply tweet #EasyOrder or just the pizza emoji to the Domino's Twitter handle. Domino's will then send the customer a direct message to confirm the order and the Easy Order saved in a customer's profile will be automatically sent to their home" (Mashable). This is just one feature of Domino's new AnyWare suite of mobile ordering technology, which allows users to order food from multiple devices, like smart TVs or Google Home. Domino's created this feature as part of an effort to capture a wider share of young, fast paced, tech-savvy consumers. 

"We want to make it as easy as possible for people to order from us -- and this is pretty darned easy,"--Domino's CEO Patrick Doyle

This campaign is a great example of Kaplan's "5 points of being social":
  1. Be active: With this new AnyWare feature, it forces Domino's to be active on social media because that's where the majority of their consumers spend their time.
  2. Be interesting: It is definitely interesting--You can order pizza with an emoji!
  3. Be humble: Domino's took their time in studying the elements and mechanics of Twitter to make sure their new feature would be received well 
  4. Be unprofessional: Speaking only in emojis to your followers is probably very unprofessional; but it works!
  5. Be honest: Domino's reaches their audience very honestly and authentically

Kaplan, Andreas M., “Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media,” Business Horizons (2010) 53, 59-68

Strange, Adario. "Domino's Will Now Let You Order Pizza through Twitter via Emoji." Mashable. Mashable, 13 May 2015. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.

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