Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reflection 3: It's not delivery, it's a great social media setup

You're sitting inside on a nice, crisp spring day, when you suddenly get a craving for a classic pizza for dinner with the family. You think about your regular pizza places (Papa John's, Pizza Hut, etc.), but soon realize that this craving is coming on strong, and you may not have time to wait for a driver to get to you in 30-40 minutes. You're overwhelmed with joy and relief when you suddenly remember- the last time you went grocery shopping, you bought plenty of frozen meals for keep. You realize you can have what you want, and you can have it now. It's not delivery. It's DiGiorno. 
The frozen pizza brand owned by Nestle is one of the most popular of it's kind. Besides their witty commercials, DiGiorno also utilizes social media to advertise to and connect with it's customers. DiGiorno has accounts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and many other social networking sites. The content that the company posts on it's sites has to do with the product they are trying to sell; their frozen pizzas. 
On Facebook, DiGiorno has their page set up as a business profile. The first thing you see when you click on the profile is the brand's logo, an info section, and a way to send the company a message. As you scroll down, you can see their photos, a menu, and other posts. Their most recent post is a video of their new TV commercial, also available on their YouTube channel, with the caption, "Friends don't let friends eat delivery pizza." The ad has a point-of-view camera set up on top of a pizza, and someone is walking the pizza around and passing it to friends. The ad shows customers not only the gooey, cheesy pizza, but the joy on people's faces when they're offered a slice.

DiGiorno does an incredibly good job interacting with their customers on Facebook, as well as their other social media profiles. On Facebook, when users comment good things on their posts, DiGiorno will respond with a thank you accompanied by a comment that has to do with whatever the user posted. The company gets a little more humorous with their responses on Twitter. Not only do they follow their tag @DiGiornoPizza, they create their own hashtags, polls, and even track simple phrases like "frozen pizza" to see if they can have some sort of response.

DiGiorno has most of their social media connected to each other, but they post different things on each site. Their instagram has a nice red aesthetic, and they post often, but not too much that it gets annoying for users that follow them. All in all, DiGiorno's online presence is a sturdy one. Their users know how to contact them, and their posts relate to their brand. They use the 4 C's (Cognize, curate, and congruity) (Kietzmann) wisely to connect with their users and make sure that they are staying on track.

"DIGIORNO® Pizza - What We Believe." Digiorno. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.
Pictures screen-shotted from DiGiorno's Instagram page and Twitter account

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